Contact Information
01942 671389
Henrietta Street
Headteacher - Mrs C Oxborough
CEO - Mrs R Coulthard
Chair of Trustees - Mrs A Atherton
c/o Henrietta Street, Leigh, WN7 1LP
Chair of LGB - Mrs A Atherton
SEND Governor - Mrs L Hayes
SENCo-Coordinator - Mrs J Wood (contact details above)
Pastoral Manager - Mrs K Simpson
For any queries, please contact Mrs G Partington in the school office using the contact information provided above.
Opening Times - 8.40am to 3.10pm (Typically 32.5hr week). Morning Registration - 9.00
Reception and KS1: 8.40 – 3.10; KS2: 8.45 – 3.15
To obtain hard copies of our policies and other information please contact the school office.
Disabled Access
Wheelchair access is available throughout school. Disabled toilet facilities on site.
Company Registration Number: 160606569
Registration Office: Atherton St George's CE Primary School, Derby Street, Atherton, Manchester, M46 0HJ
Wings' CE Trust Contact Information:
Website: The Wings' CE Trust - Home (
Contact number: 01942 883971