Leigh CE Primary School


Why is science important?

Science has changed our lives and it is vital to the future of our world. Science is able to explain the mechanics and reasons behind the daily functioning of complex systems, which range from the human body to sophisticated modern methods of transport. Children are able to use this knowledge to understand new concepts, make well-informed decisions and pursue new interests.

Science instils a sense of intrigue and enables children to develop understanding and form questions based both on the knowledge the already have and the insight they wish to gain in the future. Pupils who excel in science are likely to develop a strong ability to think critically.

Science also helps to provide tactile or visible proof of many facts we read about in books or see on the television; this helps to increase understanding and helps children to retain that information.

Careers that the study of science supports include:

  • Analytical chemist
  • Biomedical scientist.
  • Crime scene investigator.
  • Dentist
  • Doctor
  • Engineer
  • Food technologist.
  • Forensic scientist.
  • geneticist
  • Meteorologist
  • Nurse
  • Oceanographer
  • Pharmacist
  • Physicist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Vet

At The Wings’ CE Trust, we aim to:

  • inspire children to be curious and enquire about the world in which they live by encouraging them to ask questions about natural phenomenon and predicting how things will behave
  • develop a love of science; to enthuse children and make learning fun
  • expand children’s curiosity and sense of awe of the natural world
  • ensure children experience all five scientific enquiries: observation, testing, research, classifying and identifying and pattern seeking by becoming scientists in the classroom.
  • increase children’s scientific vocabulary and the ‘language’ of science
  • develop children’s aspirations of potential careers in science through talking about the work of scientists and how they can make a difference to others and introduce STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) into the curriculum
  • Ensure children are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future

 We expect high quality science sessions:

  • 30 minutes of practical ‘Mad Science’ activities in addition to science units being taught which revisit prior learning.  Introduced in response to a pupil voice consultation where pupils identified they learned most from this approach and embeds our ‘Spiral curriculum’
  • Investigations follow a scientific process: question > hypothesis > equipment > method > results > conclusion
  • Excellent pupil outcomes
  • Excellent attitudes to science and a passion for the subject from pupils and staff
  • Outstanding subject leadership

We expect to see a scientific environment in all schools:

  • Classroom displays and items of curiosity accessible
  • Continuous provision opportunities in EYFS that embrace the scientific world
  • ‘Cabinet of Curiosities’ in corridor
  • Scientific opportunities in the outdoor environment
  • Knowledge organisers for science to be available

 We expect all children to be able to confidently articulate their knowledge & understanding:

  • Talk partners/Group work
  • No hands up rule
  • Scientific conclusions should include generalisations where possible
  • Retrieval practise
  • An emphasis on scientific vocabulary

We expect all children to have access to skilful questioning that promotes reasoning and greater depth of understanding:

  • Explaining > Convincing >
  • Justifying > Proving > Generalising
  • Deeper, not faster (Deep problems for all children)
  • Metacognition strategies to be embedded